Semantic Gap

I woke up in a land where i couldnt understand the language of the people shouting around me. I woke up because of that or probably because the clock was shouting 12. I made the effort to investigate and thus found the culprit in the common room. I think it was SUN TV. On enquiring (in a language easily understood by both sides) i found that a major event had occured in A.P (the reply was in skewed english). I eagerly listened, as i saw 'BREAKING NEWS' splashed all over the screen. Fans of Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi had allegedly attacked actor Rajasekhar and his family members to protest against some remarks by the latter.
According to the people sitting, Rajashekhar had stated on Sunday that Chiranjeevi had no experience in throwing parties (as he was doing it for the first time). And thus expressed his reluctance to be a part of it. So the fans of Chiranjeevi got angry, very angry.
First i couldn't believe it. Why would somebody comment on something as small as a page three 'party'? And then even if he did, why the unnecessary violence?
It took an entire day and a lot of convincing by a lot of people for this episode to sink in. When i finally resigned to its reality and googled 'Chiranjeevi' for the final confirmation. This is what i found:
Rajasekhar had stated on Sunday that he would not join the political party proposed to be floated by Chiranjeevi, as the latter had no party experience.
The reality had changed but it was equally funny. It had infact reached the common room in the form of a communication gap. But I still laughed.


Dreams. Dream yourself as the best. God. Invincible at the age of 20. Imagine yourself as winner. Winner of Australian Open 2008. Imagine yourself achieving a dream. Imagine yourself as Nole. Novak Djokovic. The only serbian to have won a grand slam.

So much for hygiene

Reasons why i brushed my teeth twice today in the morning

  1. Suddenly there is a very noticeable hole in one of my teeth. A cavity. I guess thats what its called. Its black and ugly so right now am all scared. How would i look witth that one particular tooth missing.
  2. I have reason to believe that one can brush away one's sin. And i have been proven correct this time. For more information refer to point 6.
  3. The cold water in your mouth is like ice. So in a sense it was penance for my sins.
  4. It was probably to cover up for yesterday morning, when i had to rush for a class and hurried through one of the most important aspects of hygiene.
  5. To avoid the trouble of brushing today in the night.
  6. To prevent 'extra' bad breath. (Following that logic my room also needs a good brush).
  7. It was a simple gesture which said "I think i still care" !!
  8. Close-up tastes nice and i was hungry.
  9. Finally and most importantly, No one was watching.


We decided to go for a nice stroll in the cold weather. Sushant chickened out. "Ob da". There was the prospect of hot paneer paranthas in sac waiting on the other side of the ordeal. Ahh it was certainly worth all the trouble. The food was brilliant. That kind of gives away the quality of food provided in the mess. Anyways from now on all treats and other dinner outings shall be shifted to sac. There is only one drawback, you dont get to laze around "conversation seems futile", focus being on the food that seems to be coming any moment now.
Then there was this meeting with the PMRU. First day. Everybody seemed all serious about this stuff. Directly out of the textbook named "Conventional". 'B' 'I' 'T' 'S' Pilani needs more publicity. We need to build media relations with the english dailies rather than the low profile rajasthan 'patrikas' circulated mainly in a radius of 250 kms of Jaipur. And then Deora made me realise how important the 'Bong Connection' really is. And bloody he used the entire stretch from fd1 to vyas to emphasise this point. Finally lesson learnt. Did someone mention reporting events and sensationalising insignificant events?
Wing was the hub of a lot of activity courtesy our very own 'bong connection'. We were made spectators to something that had us in splits for almost an hour. Hostel. Lesson learnt: Close all gaps and never waste electricity( turn off lights). And a word of caution against spies like Shekhar and Appa who have a very strong sixth sense.
Then there was 'sponz' calling and a conscious effort to get an artificial 'southie' accent. It was Mr. Balasubramanyam on the other end so i was confident that the transformation would help. Try putting an elongated 'aa' after every sentence and you are almost there. For the more interested ones use 'macha' , 'da' and 'sexy ra' as often as you can afford and you could pass as a 'gult'. And yeah most importantly modify your bathing cycle.
Long weekend coming ahead. Udaipur. Bikaner. Jaipur. Delhi. Roadtrip. Delhi. Pilani. "If only we could get a few bikes", remarked Ada casually. So what if its only some 3 degrees below freezing point. Why not, we are dudes in the making right.
There is most probably SPM test tomorrow and its second hour. Shit. BCC. FCC. Simple cubic. Forced YAWN. And its 2. Forced YAWN. Its late. YAWN. Time to sleep.
YAWN. Good night.

I did a good deed today!

I feel happy. I did a good deed today.
I was very close to my bhawan. 5 minutes by foot. But I stood there, infront of VFAST, going over every tiny detail of my minute long meeting with ebibo. It was probably a 5-6 second phase( hindrance in motion) and immediately a rikshaw appeared infront of me. I instinctively refused telling him that i preferred walking. But within the next 30 seconds, as to what took over me, i have absolutely no clue. I got on the rickshaw and told the guy to lead me to vyas. First even he didn't believe his luck and wondered whether i said FD3 or C'not. But after i confirmed, he thought to himself 'Youth of today are surely a weak lot'. I did a good deed today and i am happy.
This guy was old and haggard. He seemed to have lost his eyesight in one eye. A thick shawl was wrapped around him. After all in a place with temperatures reaching -0.8 degree celsius even breezy afternoons could turn dangerous. He cycled as hard as his exhausted muscles would allow and then got down in the middle to push the rickshaw. Now he said something, more to himself than to me. But it was audible. "I have worked here for 40 years. Now i am getting tired." He mumbled something else but i wasn't able to figure out what that was. The rickshaw stopped. Vyas was here. As i got down somebody remarked "Whats up with you, when did you start using rickshaws." "Is VFAST that far? You never used a rickshaw before." I feel tired today, i lied.
I quickly opened my wallet and paid him 10 bucks. He probably knew. But as i hurried into the hostel there was a smile on my face and i felt happy. I did a good deed today.

The 'It'

dooba dooba rehta hoon main aankhon main teri...
deewana ban gaya hoon chahat main teri....

There are days, when you simply cant stop thinking about a particular thing or person( from now on referred to as 'It'). It continously revolves in your head and makes you go crazy. The only way out of this madness is:
To listen to it and hum along, if 'it' is a song
To indulge in it, if 'it' is an activity, or
To meet 'it' and spend time, if 'it' is a person
It comes and blows away like the wind and lasts probably for a few hours. Max a day, but hardly longer. You know you'll probably end up laughing at it, in hindsight. Some like to simply call it 'an' infatuation and others a 'phase'. But i personally like to tag it to something more heavenly yet concrete.

Ab din guzarte nahin Ratein kat-ti nahin
Teri tasvir se baat ban-ti nahin... Aa-ja

'It' is representative of your mood or your general state of happiness.Or in more scientific terms, a mere illustration of resonance (or maybe constructive interference).

Koi jaane na, Pehchaane na
Yeh hua kaise
Tum aagaye khwabon mein aise

I just cant stop singing this song. Its been going in my head for a very long time now. I am left to wonder what 'it' is ?
Is it the song or the mood?

The Trip

So i decided to make it a little out of the ordinary...or probably just write it that way.yes some might want to believe that it was a preconceived idea for the trip. And then there will be some who would point out the similarities with the Dune adventures but then desert setting couldn't be helped. So here is how it goes....
It was a land ruled by An elusive white mouse who gave audience only to the destined.His servant mice were called the kaba.They togethor with the help of creepy beetles carried out orders of The One. A land where sand waves look like a brown snapshot of the never-ending ocean. But a land where water was scarce and food all salty. Shrubs and undergrowthes( with thorns) were common yet isolated, possibly inhabited by snakes. We were here in the sacred land for an 'oasis' trip. Some of us, to thank the events that had recently come to pass and some to hopefully change the course of future. But the primary motive was to indulge in an experience that we wouldn't forget in a lifetime. Whether we were able to fulfill it, is another question altogethor.
Some of the best pics...

a perfect sunset @ Jaiselmair

Waking up with the sun on the dunes of Jaiselmair

Of past and present

The past was about silent dinners. About the fear of losing close ones. Of clogged emotions. And of love. It was sometimes about losing hope and sometimes about soaring spirits. Depression and closed rooms. It was about being conventional.
The present is about maggie parties and horror movies that make no sense whatsoever. It is sometimes about dreams of patriotism and sometimes about Geneva. Of overwhelming emotions. About coffees & friends. The cold air outside. The highs. The infatuations bordering on love. Of Lord of the rings. Of french beards and of change. It is all about being different.
Sometimes about fear of losing close ones. Sometimes of closed rooms.
Its about living the past all over again.

They deserve to die

It is probably one of the most 'boring' things created by nature. It stands there on the way, punished, with its hand like branches, up in the air. Punished for what, one wonders? Its like every other tree trying to achieve a bigger part of the sky, but then thats again so unexciting. So colorless and dull.
Its roots that dig deep, have little to boast about, they cripple the tree and make it stationary. Moreover they keep the tree alive for ages. Alive for what, one wonders? Certainly not for the birds or the animals that urinate on it. And surely not for the children who tie it with strings so as to create new rides.
The shoot and fruit just wait for their fate, resigning themselves to the wind and the animals. Spiritless and uninterested.
Its difficult to believe that red ants can experiment their habitats but trees can't. The only aspirations that a tree nurses is that of adapting to his surroundings. And when he achieves it, he fades into oblivion. Finally.
I cut these uninspired creatures to incite them and add life in them. I shout "Get up and fend for yourselves." But they certainly are a wearisome lot. They just stare at me. So I dig deeper with my axe and cry louder "Fight back you asses." But these dumb creatures don't care.
So they deserve to die.

The ride

Unlike the crazy cow that was making for interesting viewing outside the bus, there was something 'desperate' that was happening right inside me.
It started of with a simple action( or inaction!!) that i indulged in at home. That coupled with the climate and the crowd inside the bus led to 'intense' circumstances later.
The adrenaline rush( with some other forces) started within 30mins of leaving the source city. It was like a needle slowly pricking and urging the desire. I daringly used Music as an antidote, oblivious to its effects on the human physiology. But Mr. Rehman's song motivated me to 'hold on'. The next hour or so was relatively easier to pass. I was convinced that i could wait till the destination. But thats when everything started changing. Plans went astray.
There came the stretch of road which was as bumpy as any ride that one would find in an amusement park. To top it all my music player was out of battery and i couldn't help but think about class 6 biology. Water now started boiling. It was slowly yet surely reaching the critical limit. Something had to be done. And so I decided to wait on and have faith.
Ironically now i had faith in the government bus service. I was almost sure that the driver would stop at one of the many bus-stations that come on the way. But today of all days he seemed to be in a hurry as the bus sped across one bus-stop after another or so it seemed. I looked around thinking of stuff that would have normally kept me busy for hours in normal circumstances but was of no help today. Finally i got up and started navigating my way towards the driver, with every intention of telling him to stop. I had conceded defeat.
I felt like Nadal in the wimbledon final who lost to federer after battling for close to 4 hours. Or was it Roddick. No Roddick lost early and went to see Sharapova's matches from the stands. She played well but lost to Williams. Venus went on to win as she had it easy against the big Bartoli. Bartoli seeded 18 defeated the formidable henin and put a break..... on the bus....
At last it had stopped. I hurried to the door as i could no longer wait. It was as one would say an urgent matter. And it had all started with a simple glass of water.

The run

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. The best part was that I didn’t look back. I ran from my home. I ran from what one would call as one's own. People who saw me said I was going to get lost. But for once in my life I wanted to get lost. I wanted to disappear.
One day you would too.
I ran. I ran as if no one was watching. I didn’t have to worry whether my feet were twisted or if my small toe was too big. I was running on a road called freedom.
Where it led, I hardly cared.
Would u?
I ran. I ran with frenzied madness. People said I was searching for something. I smiled and said I was. But the best part was that I wasn't and I had just found it. So I ran.
I ran. I ran as if I didn’t have anybody to beat. But a slight turn of my head destroyed my illusion of an ideal run. My opponents had changed. They seemed much faster but they made a lot of noise. The run was probably taking its toll on them. I smiled as I was not tired. They were not like me but they were still running. Running, for what, I wondered?
I think they were foolish as I heard one of them look at me and shout "Careful!! It’s a crazy cow. It might come under your car."
And I laughed.
Wouldn't u?

Inspired by the crazy cow competing with the bus.