My challenge

My thought process is a little strange. Apart from being somewhat slower than the others it moves in the following order.STATEMENT.QUESTION.CHALLENGE.A simple Statement turns into A pertinent yet complex Question which poses itself as A Challenge at a later instant of time.Now before i move on let me tell you that this post originated through a similar chain of thoughts on a bus journey to Delhi.

Bus journeys are boring and mundane, specially when you travel alone, someone breezily commented. The above statement invoked a reasonable question in my head:But doesn't a journey solely depend on YOU to enjoy or to not enjoy?Or in simple words.Can't a simple thing like a bus journey be equally engaging & intriguing if you want it to be? So after the statement & question there was this challenge i set myself. I decided to be on the look out for all things interesting outside (and inside) the bus. And here i spell out one by one (in the next few posts) my observations or if you may like to call it the obiter dicta.

The Inevitable

The signs were always there. And the end was inevitable. This post is about a stone. A determined stone. Not a big rock. It was, as some would call it,the Obstacle. But it had a life.

It started its journey as a pebble,a minute yet sturdy aggregation of sand. Every tiny grain of silica was an inseparable part of this being. Yet some of this silica was shed when the tiny pebble moved ahead in its adventure. A unique way to leave its mark wherever it went. Little Homo sapiens always picked it up. They could see. The ones with long hair found him amusing and beautiful. They put him in their pockets. So he became happy. The ones with short hair threw him along his journey. He became worried. But that was his only means of transportation. Bigger Homo sapiens were indifferent to his presence. They walked over him. So he didnt like them. How could they not see him? They were blind.

So he decided to grow big. And thus he became greedy about 'his' silica. He never wasted it unless it was completely necessary to mark his journey and leave his presence. Gradually he became bigger and stronger. So he told his neighbour one day,"Now the bigger Homo sapiens must see me or i'll hurt them." I am The Obstacle.

Now he lay proud and confident on the seashore. No one could walk over him easily. The big homo sapiens almost always got hurt if they ignored him. It was his revenge. No species with small hair could pick him and throw him anymore. It was his life. He was determined to stay where he desired to. No species with long hair admired him anymore. But he was too grown up for that. Wasn't he?

Once he overheard a man point out to his wife,"Look at that arrogant stone which blocks our path while we work so hard to find our way." So the stone shouted, but only into oblivion "What about those countless days when i have been thrown around and walked over by creatures like you?" He stood helpless yet again as the beings simply walked over him. And then one day it all came to an end with a big homo sapien throwing him into the sea. The signs were always there and the end inevitable. The stone struggled under the pressure. But he finally gave up as the silica grains dissolved into the water one by one. He just had one wish to ask from god "Don't let me be reborn as a stone." But then thats inevitable isn't it.

Writing Day

Blame it on 'Squid guard' or the extra sensitive college authorities but i go scot free.Finally the hollow or the hay brains that were creating havoc have been rendered holy with Intelligence . In celebration of this event in history i declare today,Saturday the 1st of september as the 'Righting' Day.If u still havent got it then try searching for Saturday+longtime+writing+lotsofstuff...maybe & only maybe u'll get what i am trying to say.
One of the most irritating questions ,but an easy one to answer at this point of time, is 'Whats up'(for the simpleton) or 'Watsup'(for the wannabe) or 'wazzup'(for the loser) or 'sup'(for the lazy bugger).There is badminton at 6 in the morning and then ES mechsol OT to top it up(remember the I in BITS stands for Institute).If u still manage to survive then try bady again at 5.30 in the evening.And then how abt Kapitol leading u to ur sleepy haven...But who z complaining?M not, atleast for the moment.This is probably the best time to do what you enjoy the most.A cliche to end this conventional post.

What shit

It was probably one of the very few times that i did manage to get up early.Very early.That coupled with the fact that there was no squash yesterday(the sports complex remains closed on Mondays) and hence limited liquid intake negatively influenced my bowel movement.They say that everything in the universe follows a routine which is difficult to break or maintain.Sir Isaac Newton complicated matters by stating the same thing in the 1st law of motion."Every body in the universe resists any change in its state of rest.......until unless an external force is applied(dont even talk about it)They call it Inertia which is directly proportional to the mass.And mass it was,big M.
I tried everything from water to breakfast to this unnecessary drivel.I had to take it out somehow....And here i am, doing the needful.

Wonder(less) Wonder!!!

The media frenzy surrounding the Taj & its position in the new world has finally secured the so-called Monument of Love a place in the New7wonders of this century.The air smells too much of Patriotism and prolific pride.No one's complaining.Thats my whole point....

The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan in 1653 AD as a symbol of his love n dedication to his wife Mumtaz Mahal who died at a premature age of 36 during childbirth.It would only be fitting to salute the lady who bore the emperor 14 children in her short lifetime.Methinks that Shah Jahan,foresighted that he was, realised that he would need such a large army to vote for Taj.

Somebody at the New7wonders ceremony in Lisbon on 7/7/7,saw the fateful envelope in her hand and screamed,"Oh my god!!!It is the Taj Mahell(rhymes with hell fell)".And i, sitting in front of my idiot box shouted,"OMG is it patriotism or is it Hillary Swank".Sadly its neither.But a damsel in distress Bipasha Basu.

New7wonders,an organisation created by a Swiss entrepreneur stinks of a profit motive and some of us were living under an illusion that there's something called Global Responsibility.It did a commendable job of giving The Pyramids an honorary status of a wonder(apparently it is the only surviving wonder of the list made in 200B.C) and ironically Egyptians were the only ones who dared to question the organisation's authority and credibility.A smart move to clean the air. A question bubbles in my mind "Are they historians who studied the uniqueness and heritage associated with the 21monuments at close quarters" or "Are they scientists trying to unravel the mysteries of stone n stellar".Infact they are hardcore businessmen who did their job to the hilt.Invited international celebrities ,associated themselves with UNESCO,chose the perfect day n made themselves mighty millionaires.

Amidst all this celebration,a question lingers "Is it this simple to fool an Indian?".The media played its part nd i am not saying i dint vote.Follow the herd they say.But how about using your brains for a change.An Indian will vote for the Indian in the list n the chinese would do the same for the chinese wonder.That is no rocket science.And m sure it doesn't come as a shock that both Great Wall of China & The Taj Mahal are on the list.I would even go on to say that this poll was an effective way to drain the wealth from the Indias n the Chinas of the world....

Some believe India has arrived on the world stage but i would say READ CAREFULLY probably ANOTHER 50,000 babies have just arrived.We would probably need them to vote Himalayas into the new7natural wonders of the Earth.The message rings loud....YOU JUST CAN'T COUNT US (OUT)....WE ARE TOO MANY!!!!

School days rock

Thats a shocking picture of history!!!All of us in class 5....
Take your guess,for things hav changed and so have I!!!
Who would believe that i was heavily over-weight...and was as round as u can see.

Whatta time-pass!!!!

Its been 1 month 10 days and about some 15minutes at home.But such accuracy gives an extremely disoriented picture of these vacations.I have no intention painting a picture where i've made every minute count.Its already Saturday & i though it was only Wednesday, is a much better way of summarising these XL holidays.But then who z complaining????Anyways not right now...

This summer-break(could easily serves 4)till now has been one of cheap thrills...Probably in the absence of anything better to do. From watching movies like 'Good Boy Bad Boy' to enjoying 'Jhoom Barabar Jhoom'...n then getting all nervous for my result.My college letter said "C.G card withheld" & it made me sit down and think...Did i really flunk this sem??
M still waiting for an answer....Till then will go and catch up with an old friend at c.p!!!

The car that almost refuses to move

Thats my car....An old Maruti 800 that has withered many a storm.In fact its withstood so many learners that it can now be called an Experienced Learner Vehicle(ELV).First it was my bro then for some time my mom n now me...but it refuses to give up.One might say its got accustomed to the panicky turns,the frequent stops and the angry drivers around it.But it still drives on.

It was only yesterday that i had driven my mom to the market(thats my present role..for enquiries n driver opportunities u can contact me....) ,and then when it was time to return,I took the emperors throne and started my old horse.With everything in place I tried to put the car in the first gear(the cars gearbox is sort of rusty so it requires some extra effort),but then the gear refused to budge.I tried a second time with all my might but without success.I was concerned.Was it the beginning of the end...I freaked out n saw my mom looking at me fighting with the gears.And then it came.....
She casually remarked,"How about pressing the clutch for starters?".That m sure seals the story for you.

Its now an old white Dabba,but wears its name with pride. You try going above 60kmph and it shows its rage in this age.Its wheels start rattling n joints start threatening.N you reluctantly settle for a slow 50.It stands right below a tree in front of my house which showers it with flowers throughout the season.
Symbolic.Extremely symbolic I would say.Perhaps praising its victories or probably glorifying the end.

Is it getting too hot???But wat abt the AC's...

The newspapers are flooded,the environmentalists are sweating it out,the developed nations(some say) are too chilled & i was till now at a draught of words...
this is the kind of effect Climate Change is having on the world.
With all kinds of facts & facets laid down,I decided to think it over in the old English style...the 5W style....
  • WHAT is the prob:CLIMATE CHANGE(the dude in America continues to sleep over it)!
  • But WHY panic:If Greenhouse gas emissions aren't reduced by 2015.Glaciers will be seen only on stamps & postcards.
  • WHERE do i come into the picture:The floods are likely to affect only coastal low lying areas so m sitting in Delhi after 2015.But then i can't say anything abt the draughts n the famines.So people stop using Conventional resources.
  • WHO is hiding behind the Bush:Coincidentally Mr. Bush.He refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol & reduce emission levels.
  • HOW:Mr. Bush pumps money for improving Tobacco,condoms n thousands of other things but NOT for Earth(which he almost claims he owns).

Let there be talk???

A Chinese company,Hi-Tech Wealth has claimed to have developed the world's first solar-powered mobile phone that uses sun's energy to recharge itself.In an age where Global warming is the buzz word.This just seems to be too hot(literally!!)to resist. According to sources,the phone can provide 40 minutes of talk-time after sitting in the Sun for an hour.Eventhough its unconventional to go unconventional,me thinks my Nokia will do for the moment...Its burning outside!!!

Forest after Fire

What comes to your mind when you see this?
Certainly not.....
Charred trunks of spruce trees.This is a result of a recent forest fire caused by lightning during prolonged drought.
The trees have nearly been reduced to ash,but this picture on Corbis gives a totally different way of looking at it.Stunning,was my reaction to it.

Go Pandavas go!!!

It took loads of courage to pick up something like 'Mahabharata' and actually read it!!The book by C.Rajagopalachari ,cuts out the crap and comes to the real intriguing anecdotes,never leaving me sleepy. The names and their origin sometimes become far too many...& very difficult to co-relate.But then they come as a package with great style of writing and a fascinating story-line.The messages to the society come fast & clear but its absolutely your wish to dodge them or to absorb them.Well the analogy of Rakshasas to the present day politicians(or the then colonial rule) is quite glaring....and i quite respect it.

I have this ridiculously old edition (printed in 1977),in tatters,but then it adds to the whole thing of reading an epic.

There are miracles and then there are curses to counter those miracles.So it doesn't really come as a surprise when you read that a woman(Gandhari) bore 101 children...and that to,to a blind man.And then the Gods turn mortal in case of Bhishma and Vidur(Lord Dharma) & sometimes even given birth to children.The Pandavas were born to Gods without causing any trouble or delay to Kunti & Madri.Perfect sons.Its probably the supernatural occurance thats keeping me hooked to this old book, in an age of non-believers.

And then there is always Wikipedia to clear my basic concepts....

Pirates is on its way...

I watched 'Pirates of the Caribbean-At world's end' with a lots of people.Considering that these guys were from IIT-D, I had a great time.
Kudos to Swati,Pranav,Sid,Pragun(who slept off),Ekta,Aditya,....
Now let me come to the movie.If u wanna watch it, be sure to watch it on the big screen(stop PIRACY).U dont want to miss the beat of Jone's heart match ur own subtle thump or as a matter of fact the whirlpool.
a)i thoroughly enjoyed the story(criticized by many).it was racy & entwined with loads of funny moments.A case in point would be Elizabeth Swann's marriage to Will Turner during a fight sequence.It was ridiculously humorous.
b)i confess i couldn't get some of the funds and dialogues but then calypso's lines were delivered in a horrendous accent which i refuse to understand.
c)And then how dare they show the captain of the indian pirates with a lame timid voice(what else comes to ur mind when u see a fat man with a whitish beard a sword and a turban!)I even contemplated calling up Big-Brother,i mean big-sis Shilpa Shetty for such racist implications but then decided against it.
Now the highs of the movie
i.The affects were a time i thought i was asea with the pirates.
ii.Elizabeth Swann(Madamoiselle Knightley)turns captain as i inturn
become her fan.She dominates n is authoritative.
I've always had a thing for commandeering women.
iii.The 2 Jacks are simply god-level.
Sparrow(Johny Depp) n the Monkey.Watch out for them.
iv.Its a 3 hr movie(sufficient time to catch a snap if u cant make head
or tail of the movie).

Cheers to Jack Sparrow.

Wishful thinking???

That was Miss Universe in Mexico.
Let ur creativity naked(no pun intended)...
Can u navigate those curves that block the mind?

Music to your ears...

This 'soulful' instrumental surely brings you at peace with ur inner self...
If that sounds absurd n has ur head spinning.
Then go ahead and switch on those speakers or put on ur headphones...

Peacemaker Colt

The 'Peacemaker' Colt(check out the name carefully)is ironically one of the finest n oldest 'GUNS' of all times(source:When Eight Bells Toll by Alistair Maclean)
A shot from it sends you to unconsciousness(or death) almost instantaneously, not like other weapons where a shot sometimes even enables one to revive n regather one's focus n then shoot the enemy in the head.It ensues Peace and thus its name.
Requires a steady hand of metal n loads of practice.
For other facts n instruction manual of this 'old is gold' gun
check out
(if u cant click on it...
copy and paste on the address bar of explorer)!

The French Open goes on...

With our favorite (read Indian) out of the open..i feel some semblance of normalcy returning to the Open...we guyz are used to 'no indians' in tennis.
I am practicing hard...maybe things can change in another few years.
Anyways the battle for the Cup(can u call it the chalice, i wonder) is anything but open...
with Nadal and Federer as clear contenders...
Just for the record i want an underdog to win.
Maybe a Hewitt(but that dude shouts too much in contrast to Federers relaxed n confidence demeanor)....
Safin is out but i would hav put him on top of my list.He has a great game..but not such a great temper...
Roddick.Too bad he z on his way...too cheer Sharapova in the stands.
Finally i think its time for young Djokovic to take center stage...
Then come the clay court specialists....but can they beat the relentless Nadal?
Thats a question no one seems to answer...
But we guyz will have to wait for another week or so to get our answers.
Till then this discussion is far from over.

Roland Garros Diary

Game set match
And......She has won it......
Eventhough it might be only a set for now(a comprehensive 6-1)...lets continue our prayers working so that she can run arnd for another set or so.Being a skeptic that i am...Am not sure she will.Prove me wrong Sania...
We guys must take heart in whatever little comes our way via Sania Mirza.Our sole match-winner at the international arena..that girl actually manages to keep up with those non-males in her sport..The force with which they hit that poor tennis ball.
An ardent tennis fan deprived of tennis due to that bugger of a cabblewallah,m following the slow progress on something called and its 4-1 to Sania.
oh oh she abt to lose it from here...
0-30...that Brianti from Italy is finding some sort of form it seems...
40-30...thats better...n has me all relaxed.
I never doubted Sania.
We lead 5-1.
N i leave it upto her to finish it of from here....
After all that hard work i put in, even i need a break...

These Doctors need 'Proctors'

First n foremost Doctors by Eric Segal more than fulfills your unaccomplished desires to be a doctor...for different reasons altogether...
Engrossing that the book is...
There are times when u almost cry out....
Save those wannabe doctors(and indirectly the patients from them)
Harvard Medical School teaches Barney Livingston,Laura Castellano n their friends to eliminate atleast 8 to 10 pooches on their way to becoming respectable doctors.
And 'how' killing 3to5 patients on an average makes an intern 'qualified' to become a doctor...
Overall the book conveys the plight of doctors who themselves suffer from nosophobia...a conditon where the person is so obsessed by the disease(by reading abt it, in this case) that he starts finding the symptoms in himself.
But i confess,the book did have its toll on me...
Even i took control n got my body checked for some of those symptoms..still awaiting results for some of them:-)
All said n done..A great book to salute the pple called Doctors.I thoroughly enjoyed it.
P.S. My family is full of,nana,mama n now one of my cousins...

Literally technical

It was high time, i thought, to research & pen down everything i cd, abt one of the most popular pass-times of engineering students these days.
Sleep is derived from the latin word 'slypos' (pronounced as 'sl-IGH-pHoos'),meaning the 'state of minimum potential energy'.
(M sure all the young budding scientists would acknowledge that fact)Infact around 100B.C the word 'sleep' entered everyday English vocabulary through sentences like....
  • Marie, you can play along the beach only when the sea is sleeping.
  • Go back John.You are still sleeping,gather your energy and then come back to fight.
Practical significance of sleep emanated as a result of the 'Awakening' or the 'Enlightening' of the human mind.Sleep relaxes the tired mind (Probably another reason why i am always ready to sleep)It is believed that the origin of sleep goes back to the beginning of the world when Adam sinned.Infact it was in a state partial unconsciousness ,now called sleep,that Adam n Eve started the world.Ironically it is due to sleep that the world is awake n walking.
I,therefore,sleep in respect of it.
All you people out there SLEEP to store your potential for D-day in ur life when u can come out n fight with a big-bang.(Yah that reminds me that the big bang also owes it to sleep...but that, i shall save for a later instant)
N for all those who could make sense out of this...

Silly Salina

This was during the 'pen down' in class 12.
The real aim of education is to stimulate the mind to think.

Strike one.
Strike two....and it was all over.
If only there had been another opportunity, I would have stopped her.

Luckily there wasn't.

It was a lonely day at the Sarovar Station.The sun was abt to set and so was 'my' Salina.
She was all alone, which was not unexpected.
Her voluptuous figure could easily be seen from a distance, as her sari clung close to her body. Her fragrance touched every corner of my body as i moved slowly to give her 'sufficient' time in her endeavours.

I shouted, "Salina" to warn her more than to stop her.She took a step forward as tears rolled down her face."Salina stop!!", I cried but in vain.She never let me do things, i reminisced as she fearlessly stepped closer to the track. One more step and it would be all over for me.
The most beautiful woman....
"Salina sorry" I pleaded and then slowly smiled anticipating her next step.
The train to Calcutta accelerated and she jumped....and went flat in front of the engine.Surely to heaven.
Silly Salina, I laughed as I hid my revolver.
She never let me do things......


This is 'Poi'.
For those who haven't got it........
Its a form of juggling 'Impartial Art' with balls on ropes, held in the hands and swung in various circular patterns.I liked the picture.....n trust me it was simply a coincidence that it turned out to be Poi..

Is it me?

The irritation,the frustration & the head-banging music
the head spins
it swells
or is it all a mistake,an error,a disease
a crime....

The knowledge & the words
the fact that 'I am useless'
Possibly a question in the answer
it is the determination
a resolution
& not the Ignorance...

I move, slowly at first
but doubts follow
I run
but doubts follow
I finally plunge
but doubts swallow

The job,the journey & the means
Is it the ship,the car,the bus or the plane?
sometimes they stop
is it the stop?
probably not
I re-focus and i target
i surge
but doubts follow

Its the end
And i am the winner
or is there a question in the answer?
then the doubts leave
its the confidence and the belief that follows
I walk
but no doubts to swallow
Now I am just 'Me'
or is it just a fantasy?
So the doubts still follow