The 'eyes' have t

The 'i' on my keyboard has buckled under the 'too' much stress that t was subjected to. As a result of this it has stopped responding to the light tap of my finger. There can be two very simple logical deductions that can be made from the above given fact. The first being that, 'i' have used the letter 'i' most number of times which further doesn't imply anything. And second, u shall fnd a lot of words with their i's missing. Every time u find a word with a correct 'i', just think about the author who has taken the pain to carefully type it there for you. I now take the liberty to say that 'the i's have it'.

This reminds me of a brilliant Ruskin Bond story named 'The eyes have it'. For all those who haven't read it, its a good read. Go grab it. Its a cute story about two visually impaired people, a male and a female, who meet on a train. They try to carry out an interesting conversation about the weather outsde and the appealing greens without revealing their handicaps. They draw on their experiences descrbing the beauty involved in the world. This is a serious comment on 'seeing', by the author, for those who have a good eyesight either don't have the time or the interest to 'see' the things around them. Eventually its a fellow passenger who breaks the news to the man when the young lady gets down on the station, "She had very beautiful eyes, its a pity she couldn't see."

I don't know about seeing. But i sure can hear a lot of stuff. For one, there s a constant and distant sound that reaches my ears when i'm peacefully sitting in my room. Its a like a tolling bell. A gong being hit at constant intervals. No one else can hear it. It seems that my ears have been equipped with something that lets me hear sounds that are outside the audible frequency range. Lucky me!!
Then there is music that simply puts me in a peaceful trance. When i say music, i mean a partcular selectve song. I close my eyes, raise my hands and hum along. Rgamalika 's Sangamam had a smlar effect on me. The sound of the violin, yesterday penetrated to my interiors and started a virus scan. It was brilliant.

To end the post, here's what i said during my Measurement Techniques viva, "Viscosity is the property of a liquid whch is inherent to that liquid" And i got some marks.

P.S. This post is dedicated to my grand-mom and my casio teacher who tried their level best to put some sense of music into my head for 5 years. But my far from melodious voice was never tailormade for musc. And i ended up leaving it.


Ila said...

when do i get a post dedicated to me huh?

rohan said...

@ila:I have just started with my 'dedicated to' series. So stay on the look out. I m surely going to dedicate a post to the person who always stays 'high' on life.

Abhimanyu said...

Liked this blog..keep it up

Krishna Parikh said...

Dear Mr. Arora,
I read your Blog article on 'The Eyes Have It'. It's really helpful and nicely summerized.
I am Krishna Parikh and presently working as a Lecturer in Nirma University at Ahmedabad.
We have introduced this short story in our course and therfore I was looking for such stuff for my students. Your article was really good and well constructed.
Thank you,
Krishna Parikh