The Cynical Contrarian

I supported Djokovic when he played Federer. Never wanted Schumacher to win any race. Heikennen, Alonso, Barrichello were always my pick. For me, Tendulkar never plays well under crunch situations. Ambani was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And then the guys with extra high cgpa's should take a break and let the fives get a chance.
Everybody identifies with the underdog as it is the projection of their own struggle. But once that underdog succeeds and makes winning a habit then the masses negate him because they are unable to come to terms of their own limitatons.It just illustrates that excellence is an individuals quest whereas mediocrity is a collective refuge- Harsha Nagaraju ( MY TIMES, MY VOICE )
It surely makes sense and answers a lot of questions. One of them being, 'Why we hate winners so much'.
With the premature demise of Benazir Bhutto, another question, fogs the atmosphere, 'Why do we love the dead so much'.
The woman in question here, was no doubt a great person, but wasn't she the one who was charged of corruption twice during her tenure? She was also one of the greatest supporters of cross border terrorism, which has resulted in so much chaos in the valley. (This claim is a shot in the dark, but i think it'll hit the target) Then there was JFK who was believed to be behind the death of Marilyn Monroe and princess Diana with her infamous affairs. Both were immediately made 'gods' after their deaths. Their sins were shadowed and a pure white image emerged. My only question here is why idolize 'humans'. Lets just cry a little, remember them with their sins and move on. Are we so scared of their ghosts? Or is there a slight hope in us which believes that if not in life we would (like them) probably be celebrated in our death. In fact, we do the tears & flowers on funerals so that others reciprocate the gesture at our end. We want others to forget our sins and say ' He was a good man'. Thus every tear that we cry for a Benazir Bhutto has a malicious intention behind it. We surely are a 'selfish' lot.


Ila said...

Rohan are you depressed?? i dont quiet agree with what you are saying here...but i guess to each his own!!

Cheers mate!

rohan said...

@ila:What makes you believe that m deprssed?its just that the sorrow of Ms. Bhutto's demise refuses to leave me...
Anyways as you said, to each his own!!

Abhimanyu said...

I agree...make martyrs out of ruffians..increase TRPs..pocket money and all is well with the world

rohan said...

@manyu:i completely agree!