Is it getting too hot???But wat abt the AC's...

The newspapers are flooded,the environmentalists are sweating it out,the developed nations(some say) are too chilled & i was till now at a draught of words...
this is the kind of effect Climate Change is having on the world.
With all kinds of facts & facets laid down,I decided to think it over in the old English style...the 5W style....
  • WHAT is the prob:CLIMATE CHANGE(the dude in America continues to sleep over it)!
  • But WHY panic:If Greenhouse gas emissions aren't reduced by 2015.Glaciers will be seen only on stamps & postcards.
  • WHERE do i come into the picture:The floods are likely to affect only coastal low lying areas so m sitting in Delhi after 2015.But then i can't say anything abt the draughts n the famines.So people stop using Conventional resources.
  • WHO is hiding behind the Bush:Coincidentally Mr. Bush.He refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol & reduce emission levels.
  • HOW:Mr. Bush pumps money for improving Tobacco,condoms n thousands of other things but NOT for Earth(which he almost claims he owns).


Siddharth said...

hmmm... i dunno if u have heard of the IEEE spectrum magazine. This month's issue has got some a really fundoo 4-page story abt climate change and some really fundu ways to control it. Try to lay ur hands on it if u can, lest u already have it. Nice blog btw

sidharth said...

bro......have you seen An Inconvienient Truth....Al Gore s presentation is damn gud....on this global warming issue...

Unknown said...

its not as trivial a matter as u make it sound....

Saurabh said...

yup .. its a lot more complicated than that.
try searching for Clean Development Mechanism.