Roland Garros Diary

Game set match
And......She has won it......
Eventhough it might be only a set for now(a comprehensive 6-1)...lets continue our prayers working so that she can run arnd for another set or so.Being a skeptic that i am...Am not sure she will.Prove me wrong Sania...
We guys must take heart in whatever little comes our way via Sania Mirza.Our sole match-winner at the international arena..that girl actually manages to keep up with those non-males in her sport..The force with which they hit that poor tennis ball.
An ardent tennis fan deprived of tennis due to that bugger of a cabblewallah,m following the slow progress on something called and its 4-1 to Sania.
oh oh she abt to lose it from here...
0-30...that Brianti from Italy is finding some sort of form it seems...
40-30...thats better...n has me all relaxed.
I never doubted Sania.
We lead 5-1.
N i leave it upto her to finish it of from here....
After all that hard work i put in, even i need a break...

These Doctors need 'Proctors'

First n foremost Doctors by Eric Segal more than fulfills your unaccomplished desires to be a doctor...for different reasons altogether...
Engrossing that the book is...
There are times when u almost cry out....
Save those wannabe doctors(and indirectly the patients from them)
Harvard Medical School teaches Barney Livingston,Laura Castellano n their friends to eliminate atleast 8 to 10 pooches on their way to becoming respectable doctors.
And 'how' killing 3to5 patients on an average makes an intern 'qualified' to become a doctor...
Overall the book conveys the plight of doctors who themselves suffer from nosophobia...a conditon where the person is so obsessed by the disease(by reading abt it, in this case) that he starts finding the symptoms in himself.
But i confess,the book did have its toll on me...
Even i took control n got my body checked for some of those symptoms..still awaiting results for some of them:-)
All said n done..A great book to salute the pple called Doctors.I thoroughly enjoyed it.
P.S. My family is full of,nana,mama n now one of my cousins...

Literally technical

It was high time, i thought, to research & pen down everything i cd, abt one of the most popular pass-times of engineering students these days.
Sleep is derived from the latin word 'slypos' (pronounced as 'sl-IGH-pHoos'),meaning the 'state of minimum potential energy'.
(M sure all the young budding scientists would acknowledge that fact)Infact around 100B.C the word 'sleep' entered everyday English vocabulary through sentences like....
  • Marie, you can play along the beach only when the sea is sleeping.
  • Go back John.You are still sleeping,gather your energy and then come back to fight.
Practical significance of sleep emanated as a result of the 'Awakening' or the 'Enlightening' of the human mind.Sleep relaxes the tired mind (Probably another reason why i am always ready to sleep)It is believed that the origin of sleep goes back to the beginning of the world when Adam sinned.Infact it was in a state partial unconsciousness ,now called sleep,that Adam n Eve started the world.Ironically it is due to sleep that the world is awake n walking.
I,therefore,sleep in respect of it.
All you people out there SLEEP to store your potential for D-day in ur life when u can come out n fight with a big-bang.(Yah that reminds me that the big bang also owes it to sleep...but that, i shall save for a later instant)
N for all those who could make sense out of this...

Silly Salina

This was during the 'pen down' in class 12.
The real aim of education is to stimulate the mind to think.

Strike one.
Strike two....and it was all over.
If only there had been another opportunity, I would have stopped her.

Luckily there wasn't.

It was a lonely day at the Sarovar Station.The sun was abt to set and so was 'my' Salina.
She was all alone, which was not unexpected.
Her voluptuous figure could easily be seen from a distance, as her sari clung close to her body. Her fragrance touched every corner of my body as i moved slowly to give her 'sufficient' time in her endeavours.

I shouted, "Salina" to warn her more than to stop her.She took a step forward as tears rolled down her face."Salina stop!!", I cried but in vain.She never let me do things, i reminisced as she fearlessly stepped closer to the track. One more step and it would be all over for me.
The most beautiful woman....
"Salina sorry" I pleaded and then slowly smiled anticipating her next step.
The train to Calcutta accelerated and she jumped....and went flat in front of the engine.Surely to heaven.
Silly Salina, I laughed as I hid my revolver.
She never let me do things......


This is 'Poi'.
For those who haven't got it........
Its a form of juggling 'Impartial Art' with balls on ropes, held in the hands and swung in various circular patterns.I liked the picture.....n trust me it was simply a coincidence that it turned out to be Poi..

Is it me?

The irritation,the frustration & the head-banging music
the head spins
it swells
or is it all a mistake,an error,a disease
a crime....

The knowledge & the words
the fact that 'I am useless'
Possibly a question in the answer
it is the determination
a resolution
& not the Ignorance...

I move, slowly at first
but doubts follow
I run
but doubts follow
I finally plunge
but doubts swallow

The job,the journey & the means
Is it the ship,the car,the bus or the plane?
sometimes they stop
is it the stop?
probably not
I re-focus and i target
i surge
but doubts follow

Its the end
And i am the winner
or is there a question in the answer?
then the doubts leave
its the confidence and the belief that follows
I walk
but no doubts to swallow
Now I am just 'Me'
or is it just a fantasy?
So the doubts still follow