Elephants can remember!!

This comes after a series of incomplete posts. They were all concrete ideas and expressions but needed a slight brushing up before they could pass as proper blog posts. I shall copy paste them at the end of this one just to remind myself of what was flowing through the busy (read confused) mind of me.

Hey...i feel awkward when i talk abt all this stuff ...but talking abt things like the blood donation camp, my fms lab test nd project meeting with prof (AND yes the weather outside!!!) are all in my comfort zone.
one of my text msges today.

Lets take each part of this meassage separately.
The 'stuff' refers to something that i still feel weird talking abt, so shall leave it at that.
The blood donation gave me the satisfaction that comes with helping someone in need. I know it sounds cliched. But it is true. And then the fact that most of the blood that i was going to doante would be recovered within the next 24-36 hours felt really comforting. The process/act was glorified with people asking me whether i was ready to give 4-5ml of my precious 350ml for genome studies. It was a question, they thought, i wouldnt be capable enough to answer after my blood donation exercise. I signed at a few other places and proudly said i was O+ve without hepatitis, AIDS, Typhoid, Rabies and 100 million other things. And yes i was not underweight like everybody else on this planet. The syringe and the cloth wrapped around my arm slowly started sucking the blood out of my system. I felt it quite prominently, probably coz my fist was clenched too tightly. Or because the Tamilian donating blood right next to me was chanting hyms and last minute prayers with his eyes tightly closed. But as i relaxed and dreamt abt the stars on the ceiling the pressure eased up a little. And things settled down.
The illusion was disrupted when the guy next to me suddenly started shaking and sweating. And i thought to myself 'we are surely in for something exciting'. The guy was given immediate attention which included putting his legs on a chair while he was lying down so as to direct the blood supply to his head. The source was found to be completely psychological. Its all in the head. And there we were finally with 350 ml or close to 0.5 kgs of my maroon blood. And a frooti, a few biscuits and me insisting on taking a look at my own blood and figuring out how dirty it was. Anyways, convinced with the importance of blood donation, i tried influencing my friends and some of the answers that i got were
"What if the syringe doesn't come out?" which means i am a selfish little *******.
"I dont have sufficient blood in me. What will i donate?"which means i made a D in biology.
"I dont feel like. No specific reasons. I just dont want to." which can be easily interpreted as i shall piss in my pants if i go there.
"My blood is too dirty." Come on even monkeys can come up with better excuses.
But i can proudly say that i managed to convince one of them. His blood donation is a completely different story altogether. And i shall save it for another time.
Next part of the message talks abt the fms lab test. It got postponed to 21st or 23rd. And yes "I m enjoying the course Flexible Manufacturing Systems. But please dont draw conclusions. I dont know whether i want go in for an MBA or an MS. Its too early da. Its better to take your time rather than ending up at the wrong place."
Then we went to meet the prof who wasn't there in his chamber so we just slipped in a note for him. And the weather in pilani is pretty decent. Unexpected though.
Signing off. I want to end it with "Elepahants can remeber".
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not whither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.




sAvE tREEs, save THE EARTH!!