
Sunday. So i decided to clean my life today. It started of with a refreshing yet physically taxing game of tennis. I learnt to serve the ROger Federer way ( so i like to believe! ). Hit a few extravagant shots patented by Nadal and in the end returned to my room quite satisfied with my progress. I, then, had breakfast (yes that included hot 'milk') after ages. It was about this time that i decided to put my room (read my life) in order.
I got a broom. Got hold of a dirty cloth. And a bucket full of water. First i used the jhadoo to get the non-microscopic stuff out of my room. That included the banana peels and all other fruit wrappers, random pieces of paper, uniform mixture of my 'precious' and 'endangered' (no prizes for guessing why) hair and ignored dirt. It seemed easy in the beginning but the task turned out to be quite tough. The particles kept coming back to the room plus they were settling on me and my bed. So i made a strategy. I held the broom as far as i could from my body and collected the dust in one corner of the room. I then drove it out, from there, togethor. That way more dirt went out of the room. Yippee!! I have the Roadies Passion and Spirit in life to make the simplest things in life complicated. I can now go international. (thats the Roadies effect.)
Once done, i picked up the cloth and used it to mop the floor. Spiders, mosquitos, tiddas, and various other silver and black species living in different corners of the floor cried foul as i invaded their private space. They were probably trying to remind me of Darwin's theory of co-existence as i crushed them violently. In fact, they had been watching things that weren't meant for them. So they had to pay.
Anyways, i then shifted my focus to my wardrobe which was in a complete mess. As i packed my winter wear a strange creature fell on my hand. It was silver. It was slimy. Like a fish but only tinier and with feet. I looked up trying to locate the source but that only reminded me of that village where it rained fish one day!! No mercy was shown on the sole creature so that next time, the others think about the consequences before they fall on me from the top.
Yes, staying with clothes. I was scheduled to do laundry today. There was extensive washing of undergarments to be done today to suffice the rest of the week. I washed close to 20 items by transferring them from one bucket of soapy water to another bucket of relatively soap-less water. I jumped onto the clothes in the bucket and then tried to reproduce the reciprocatory motion of a washing machine (suggested by Pant). I am not sure about the clothes but my feet sure seemed clean at the end of the exercise.
Now with the surroundings clean (read my room) and the stage set (read clothes washed) it was the turn to clean my body. I shaved, tried a style which looked quite funny and eventually stuck to the more conventional clean shave. Took a bath with loads of water and made serious plans for the coming few days.
And now, here i am, after having a dinner so 'sweet' that i refuse to abuse it. There was Jaggery stuck to rice with some strong cohesive and then there was brown black colored jaggery juice and payasam/kheer soaked in sugar. Plus there was rice with rasam, rice with sambhar, rice with dal, rice with curd and rice with some other random sabzis. Anyways i enjoyed the experience.
And i dont know why but i want to end this post with something so random that i refuse to even try explaining.
The ball is in no one's court. Or is it?
It cant get more random than this.

Butter fudge vs Chocolate chip

If You Always Do-What You've Always Done-You'll Always Get-What You've Always Got.
So if your life is ever going to improve, you'll have to take chances.


If You Always Drive-the Way You've Always Driven-You'll Always Get-Where You've Always wanted to Go.

'One' name but two completely different decision making strategies. The second one's actually been invented by me. It made sense, so i decided to retain it. Anyways next time i want to chose between the conventional butter-fudge(bf) or the new chocolate chip(cc), i'll remember to interpret this crap as i want to. Or i could do a SWOT analysis, which is the strength, weakness, opportunity & threat analysis of the product.
What if real life, day to day decisions were to be made on the basis of fundas mentioned in 'Management' Eighth Edition? Life would have been so simple, we could have simply lived out our entire lifetimes on paper. Or on the contrary, life would be heavily difficult dealing with the repercussions of decisions that look perfect on paper but turn out to be wrong practically. Thats why POM is just a course that needs to be forgotten after 2nd year 2nd sem.
Either way decisions are neither right 'white' nor are they wrong 'black'.
P.S. As you would have already guessed, I had my Principles Of Management(POM) Test today.
P.S. I would choose Butter fudge. The second IYAD-WYAD-YAG-WYAG works for me !!(Atleast for now)
P.S. This post is dedicated to Swati who is always had the knack to make great decisions.